Order Tickets & Shirts

Add Items to your Cart

{% cat.Name %}

{% cat.Description %}

{% item.Name %}

{% item.Description %}

Price: CHF {% item.Price %}

Your Order


Item Type Quantity Price Remove
{% obj.Name %} {% obj.Category %} {% obj.Count %} CHF {% obj.Price * obj.Count %}

TOTAL: CHF {% cartTotal %}

Personal Information

Verify your Order

Please correct the following error(s):

  • {%error%}

Does everything look correct?

Items in your Cart

Item Type Quantity Price per Item
{% obj.Name %} {% obj.Category %} {% obj.Count %} CHF {% obj.Price %}

TOTAL: CHF {% cartTotal %}

Your Billing Information

{% order.handle %}
{% order.group %}
Full Name
{% order.fullName %}
{% order.email %}

Thank You!

We have received your order. Your OrderId is #{% orderid %}

You should have received an Email by now containing a PDF with your invoice.

if you encounter any problems, please contact info@mountainbytes.ch

Oh No!

something went wrong wile we processed your Order :( The Error Message says:

{% error %}

Please contact info@mountainbytes.ch and a real human will try to fix it!