Sponsor Information

Why become a sponsor?

MountainBytes is organized by Echtzeit - Digitale Kultur, and is a non-profit event. We cover our expenses with entrance fees, merchandise sale and - to a substantial part - by generous donations from sponsors that care for our art form its value to the cultural landscape.

We are experts

Demoparties are unique events - experienced coders, graphics artists and musicians from all around the world gather (on site and online via livestream) to watch and participate in the competitions, where they show-off their skills and work on improving to the next level. Many of our contestants are sought-after experts in their field or programming language, and the unique spirit of excellence, teamplay and open-mindedness makes them great hires to companies. Considering this, a lot of software and tech companies either actively recruit within the demoscene or have a second look when our hobby appears on CV’s. For this purpose, most demoparties are open to sponsorship agreements where we advertise open positions, give exposure to the brand and may even offer job forums, employer presentations or seminars as part of the event.

We are part of emerging digital artforms

Nonetheless, the scene has always been and will remain a non-profit movement. Its cultural value is recognized by the UNESCO as Intangible World Cultural Heritage in several European states, including the Federal Bureau of Culture (BAK), which enlisted the Demoscene as the first-ever digital artform as Living Tradition in Switzerland. We are proud to be supported by cultural funding, and are primarily looking to enrich and broaden the cultural landscape within our Canton, as well as Switzerland as a whole.

For further information or if you wish to support our event, our association or the Swiss Demoscene, Ms Shana Marinitsch is happy to follow up on any questions via shana@mountainbytes.ch.